
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Robbed... Again...

Another great game with Andrezj's new Romans and Celts, our house variant C&C Ancients rules and a HexCloth.

After allowing Peter to beat up the Roman right flank pretty badly the center finally got stuck in. Attacking in three waves supported by the Druids my Celts managed to bleed Erics Romans dry.

I think this works well as a tactic against the Romans, their heavies have a movement allowance of 1 vs. the Celts 2, so move the Celts up to 2 hexes away from the Romans so they can't get caught on the Roman turn, then attack on the Celt turn which gives them the initiative during the attack. Make sure you have the Druids up in support and a leader there . First wave just tries to damage as many Roman units as it can, the second wave tries to start eliminating them, the third wave mops up whatever is left.

I had refused the right flank so that I could use as many of my command cards as possible in the center/left to make up for the 4 vs 6 deficit the Celts have against the Romans. This worked for the most part, I only got caught in the last couple of turns with a stray Roman unit breaking into the right but by then the main battle was decided so it was more or less irrelevant.

However once again I had a decisive victory snatched away by getting on the wrong side of the morale rule due to some lousy dice throwing. With the Celts down just over 25% whilst the Romans were well over 50%, I think it was 17 die thrown and not a single flag pulled, sigh.

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