
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Renegade Update

News from Renegade Miniatures of an update to their 28mm range.

We've now added Advancing and Kneeling Firing (both flank and centre) packs/regiments to the range.
We'll also see the Household Cavalry (Command, Shouldered Arms & Charging) out very soon.
Followed shortly by Hussars, British Infantry Firing Line and more Command.

We've really enjoyed putting this range together and expect to see things take apace with Limbers, Horse Artillery, Mtd. Colonels and the 95th all in the pipeline.

We're also working on adding Chariots to our CWS range; we'll keep you informed of their progress.

Cavalry Regiments
We here at Renegade pride ourselves on bringing you high quality miniatures, both in design and of cast - at exceptionally low prices! But, we feel we have to reduce our cavalry regiments from 9 to 8 per regiment. The insurmountable cost of metal has forced our arm and we only hope you still agree - £11.95 for a regiment of quality 28mm metal miniatures is still, very, very good indeed.

We'll be reducing the contents to eight Cavalry per regiment as from the 1st of July.
So get them in now whilst they're 9's!

New Range:
Last, but not least.. We've been hard at work over the Spring and hope to bring you news on an entirely new range of miniatures, along with some additions to our current ranges asap.

Well thats great news indeed!
I know someone out there will be over the moon to hear about finally getting some CWS Chariots though for a some reason CWS is just not my thing.
Ha! Napoleonics, be still my beating heart, what with Limbers and RHA it certainly seems these guys are serious about creating a line of Napoleonics not just the odd figure or two, I can't wait to my hands on these!
So what of the new Range, what will it be, more Ancients or new Medievals or finally are we going to see the Saxons have some opposition (yeah!), what do you think?
Now the price rise, note this applies to Punic Wars, ECW and WWI only, the other ranges were already 8 to a pack, any price rise sucks but to be honest at these prices you can't complain really.
Exciting times for Renegade fans!

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