
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Württembergers from Uwe Ehmke

Uwe continues to make progress with his 28mm Württembergers, this time he adds a standard bearer and trumpeter. I understand that there are to be two variants of each 'command' figure, and after some comments, the trumpeter 'green' below is to be redone in a less 'dramatic' pose. Actually I really like it as it is, even if it is not a truly realistic pose.

I really hope that someday these figures will see the light of day commercially, here's hoping that won't be too far off.

I heard from Uwe that he hopes to have them available for sale by the end of August.
Check back here for updates!


  1. I just finish add. Officer, NCO and trumpeter for second squad. in quiet poses. But no more horses, so the 3 new figures must be combinated with the excisting 8 horses.
    Also finished but not painted allready are two attacking Chevaulegers.

    How can I post pics here ?

    More in the next days.

    best regards Uwe

  2. Hi Uwe,
    Thanks for the news!

    You can email the pics to me at and I will post them on to the blog.

    Alternatively if you prefer you can put them on something like Flickr or Picasa and send me the link.


  3. Hi,

    next to come in late 2010 are the sets

    Württemberg Jäger zu Pferd - skirmishing and Rest (Chasseurs a Cheval) and Line-Infantry 1812 - all positions

    I hope to realize some Baden Hussars 1812 too....

    best regards


  4. Wow, great to hear that Uwe, really look forward to the new figures.

    You can see the latest news here:
