
Thursday, October 21, 2010

NorthStar buys Helion's 1866 Range!

A while back I posted about that wonderful "Seven Weeks’ War of 1866" 28mm range from Helion. I was keen on buying some of their figures for xmas but sadly as DuncanRogers of Helion informed me at the time, he would not be developing the line further and was actively looking to sell the range off.

That sort of killed of the idea of starting an 1866 project and took away the excuse to buy that 1866 book!

Well, great news today, NorthStar have announced they have purchased the range from Helion!

That should assure the future of the line, hopefully we will also see it developed further, in particular it was in need of some artillery to make the range viable. Not only that but NorthStar is a great company to deal with, easy for o'seas "customers" like me to deal with and their service is excellent. When I buy online although my first choice is Caliver, second is NorthStar.

I noticed a comment posted by Nick from NorthStar on TMP:
Last week I took ownership of the 28mm Seven Weeks War range from Helion.

The range isn't on the North Star website yet, I want to go through the moulds, get things organised and hopefully have it all photographed before putting them online.

But if you are a customer looking for reinforcements, please drop me an email at I can get figures cast for you now before we get the stock built up and re-launch the range officially. I will also keep to the Helion price, unfortunately when they join the North Star website there will be a price rise.

Any feedback on the range from existing customers is very welcome, I do intend to add to the range, I'm already talking to a sculptor about artillery.

If you've seen the prices on the Helion site, a price rise is maybe not a surprise I guess, NorthStar don't do "free world wide postage" so for a start so that +20% .... I guess we are looking at Crusader/Artizan level of pricing, though I hope they will keep the discount for larger units. Bad news and good news you can say...

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