
Friday, January 21, 2011

Perry Prussian Artillery Greens

OK first its been a very, very long time since my last post, moving house at the start of December, work, xmas, and an illness all combined to stop me from posting for the last 7 weeks, anyway did you really miss me LOL, but now I am back and their will be a lot to blog about this year!!

So first up, Perry Miniatures have posted pics on their site of greens of their forthcoming 28mm Prussian Artillery. If you recall this is the range we first heard about last September which will be a mix of plastic and metal and will complement releases from Warlord Games.

The usual fare from the Perry's LOL. Nicely sculptured, love the running up poses particularly, somehow Prussian's should always be rushing around, hardworking and active don't you think!!

The guns look nicely executed as well and as this is Perry and not a certain other company, I have no doubt that the limbers will be along fairly shortly.

When will the plastic's appear? Hopefully it's not too far away, they did say last September that maybe the metals might be released first but I suspect they are going to be released at the same time now.

As ever I look forward to these and lots more in the Prussian range this year, these in particular are a must have.

I have no doubt this is going to be a fantastic year for Napoleonic's.


  1. I have seen a few comments on the net speculating that the Artillery pieces will be produced in plastic because they kind of look plastic in the pics.

    Well my opinion is that what you are looking at is resin copies just produced for testing, the final product will I am sure be in metal.

  2. Your site is really inspirational, now I am keen on the release of the Perry Prussians. What a great source of information you are bringing together

  3. Thanks for that, much appreciated!
    Unfortunately the last 3 months has seen me very restricted in blogging due to work commitments though that should change in the very near future as my current project winds down.

    The sources for the blog are mainly things of interest that I come across while surfing the net myself, plus my own (small but growing) collection of books and the occasional email.

    Previously I would often lose track of things I found, the blog was simply a way to keep a permanent record of useful information and I hope others find it of use too. There is no claim of much originality in what I present, but I hope it is 'new' to the average reader like it was to me when I found it.

    Unfortunately no manufacturer reads the blog so I have no special 'inside information' (except of course from my friend Uwe lol).

    I do think that the majority of us tend to limit ourselves to English language sources so I hope to expand our knowledge of Napoleonic's by introducing information from some of these non-English sources.
