
Friday, April 01, 2011

Send in the Marines

A small but none the less interesting release from Victrix, the long awaited Marine Heads.

From their announcement:

The Marines have come ashore!

At long last we are happy to announce the release of our Marine head and command pack. These were delayed due to the first sculpts being destroyed in the moulding process and had to be resculpted. That delay gave us time to add in the lovely new officer, sergeant and drummer.
These figures have been sculpted by the ever talent Paul Hicks, and he has put some real character into these fine models. Used in combination with our plastic British centre companies miniatures, you can make some great looking Marine landing parties for skirmishes and larger coastal raids.
As well as being able to buy the metals pack, we have added a great new deal to the shopping cart. You can buy the head and command pack plus the plastic centre company boxed set for only £31.95! In effect you get the head pack half price.
We are planning on producing some Naval landing parties in metal and also looking at a boat with crew, so keep an eye on the website for updates.

To be honest I don't really think that the pricing on the various "heads" pack that Victrix offer really work from a customer point of view, they make for exceedingly expensive plastic's, maybe with the Marines they have more leverage for lack of alternatives on the market but I would rather they had just released full metal figures. That would have also got round the issue with the backpack straps. The previous packs also had size 'issues' though from the above pics of heads on bodies they seem to be fine this time.

Anyway very interesting to note that their will be some metal landing parties and a boat!! There are some interesting Peninsular skirmish scenarios that you can throw together with a handful of Marines and a landing party whether it is for Sharpe or Capitan. Once the release the other bit's this will go on my list of a must have.

From memory there are a couple of manufacturers producing a 28mm boat, one very expensive in metal and one reasonably priced in resin, though the details escape me as I write this, but still another source will be more than welcome

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