
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Prussians are Coming!

Mabuhay Miniature Painting Service (MMPS) my chosen painting service on 'Project 1813-1815' have announced that they finally have the Perry Prussians and should have built up stocks of painted units by now.

From their announcement:
This week, around Thursday if not earlier, they will be here in all their glory !!

All you get now is this (on purpose) not so clear picture. You will have to wait until next week for more. :-)

I expect a mad rush on these just like when I launched our British and waiting times for those were long. To avoid having to wait a rather long time you can already pre-order these Prussians. That will put you on top of the order/waiting list. We use the "first in First out" principle so it can't hurt to be quick. :-)

Prices will be the same as for the Brits and French and their codes will be NLP-100, NLP-101 and NLP-102. Just use the Order Form to pre-order and I will send you an order summary with payment instructions when we take them into production next week.



This is really great news, I have been waiting for these!
I can't recommend MMPS to highly, the quality, price and service are spot on!

I recently received the Brits and KGL from MMPS, 10 32man Battalions in all, hopefully I will get some time to take some pics and post them on the blog this weekend.

Unfortunately that means I am probably going to have to wait a little bit longer for the Prussians, I am in enough trouble with my 'banker' over how much I have been spending recently so will need to wait until the August pay day to keep her happy :)

I have to also get round to getting rid of some of my old stuff on EBay something I promised to do in December but just haven't found the time to do. Welcome to the real world!

I also picked up some Perry command figures from MMPS, these are painted by Chris Leason another expat in the Philippines, they are superb and fit right in with their own figures. I definitely would recommend if you are buying from MMPS you take the option for some of Chris's command figures.

Two other bits of MMPS news I came across.

First although MMPS will be focusing on Perry ACW for August/September by October they will return again to 1812-1815 Napoleonics with the eagerly awaited plastic Austrians and Russians that will hopefully be available by then. Personally I hope they will also take a look at the WG Prussian Landwehr.

Second the amount you need to spend to get free shipping has been raised from USD500 to USD650 for destinations outside Asia. I don't think that is unreasonable, postage isn't cheap these days and to be honest when we are talking painted miniatures sadly it isn't hard to spend USD650, ouch!

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